FIFA World Cup: Footballers and Spectators Risk Jail Term in Qatar | SEE DETAILS

The Qatar government will not be bending any of its rules for footballers and supporters from around the world when the FIFA World Cup begins in November.

The rule binding the citizens as it concerns extra marital activities will also apply to players and supporters who will be in Qatar. According to reports from RMC Sports, football Fans and supporters could risk jail term of seven years if they are found guilty.
Sexual relations outside the marriage will be prohibited during the World Cup in Qatar (valid for players & fans), under penalty of a prison sentence of up to 7 years.
There have been a lot of eyebrows raised by fans and the footballers as it concerns the hosting rights that FIFA gave to Qatar. The major concern is the lack of flexibility in the country, as it stands anyone coming to Qatar for the World Cup must be ready to live by the rules.
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