Cardi B Might Just Be Filing For Nigerian Citizenship


Cardi B, American rapper, model, and actress, might just become a Nigerian after all. This new development has risen as a cheeky response to memes by Nigerians, concerning the Donald Trump-sanctioned killing of Iranian military commander, Qassem Soleimani.

Nigerians, as usual, reacted comically to the event, even as many began considering that a US-Iran war might spark off something bigger: the third World War.

Cardi B, who's always been vocal about her criticism of President Trump called Soleimani's killing "dumbest move Trump did till date" in a tweet while harboring The Nigerian-Return Dream.

Cardi B famously visited Nigeria in December for a show. While here, she definitely made headlines. Attached to this post is a video of Chioma B (her Nigerian name) performing at the festival, draped in the green and white colors of Nigeria.


We also have more robust content (reactions and all) on this news. Below is the video, up on our YouTube TV page.
