Adekunle Gold inspires fans with success story of international breakthrough


Nigerian singer Adekunle Gold has shared a heartwarming story of how his music career took him from local talent to international sensation.

In a viral video, Gold revealed that his first trip outside Nigeria was in 2015, made possible by the success of his hit single Shade. At the time, he also had another song, Orente, gaining traction.

Since then, Gold has traveled to over 35 countries, crediting his passion for music as the driving force behind his success. Also, he encouraged his fans to pursue their own passions, saying "Your passion, the one thing that you love to do, will make way for you."

Meanwhile, Adekunle Gold's inspiring story is proof of the power of hard work and determination. Additionally, he recalled childhood dreams of traveling, but lacking the means. Now, he's living proof that with dedication and talent, anything is possible.

Lastyly, the singer's message to his fans is clear: never give up on your passion, and it will take you places.

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