Money Lyrics by Butterfly Gang


Butterfly Gang Lyrics

'Money' is a trending song by Nigerian musical group, Butterfly Gang, the song's lyrics have been added below.

Money Lyrics by Butterfly Gang
Money Cover Art

Butterfly Gang - Money Lyrics

Na my time
I no use person time o
Money matter make me commot crime o
Many suffer for this streets
Wey we dey so oo
Iya ole je baba
Ko tu Jo omo
Omo ologo nimi seh
Won ti tan mo

I dey on my bench
I dey warm up
If no be money matter
I no dey come
Owo owo apekanuku
Ko owo ara aye
Ko ma ka mi ko
Ghana must go
Kin ma carry go
Kin ma carry go
Owo owo apekanuku
Ko owo ara aye
Ko ma ka mi ko
Ghana must go
Kin ma carry go
Kin ma carry go 

Life na jeje
Life na tender
I no b mecho
I b baller
Aye mo je
Mi oje sugar cane
Omo ndi la
Mi ofe sugar cane
Aye kan no ni
No dey dull me
If no b money matter
No dey call me
From the trenches
To be better
I no b mecho 
I wan b baller

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