Troost-Ekong reveals the secret behind Nigeria's remarkable AFCON 2023 success


Captain of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, William Troost-Ekong in an interview has revealed what many have categorized as the success of the team at AFCON 2023.

William Troost-Ekong who has had an impressive AFCON 2023 campaign so far with Nigeria has spoken on the catalyst behind the success of the team since the commencement of the AFCON 2023 tournament ahead of the finals against Ivory Coast on Sunday, February 11, 2024.

In the interview with Troost-Ekong, he revealed that the team possesses young stars who have a lot to prove and are willing to play for the pride of the country. He stated, “I think all of us now playing in respectable teams in respect of the leagues, one or two in better teams than others, but everyone is young and wants to prove something and that’s what probably makes us a good team. We are all in this together and as soon as we arrived here in the camp, I don’t think anyone thinks about what club they play for. It’s a real brotherhood going on. That’s making us play well."

He went on to add that the team does not possess what many often categorize as superstars another factor as to why the team has been united. He added, “We don’t have any superstars in our team, I think before there’s been generations with Nigeria that they’ve had a lot of players playing in big teams. However much that’s helped the team it might have also been a bit difficult because you have different agendas maybe and you have to take into account a lot of different players and different mentalities.”

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