DMCA Removal

At Notjustok, we do not joke with Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and all its adjuncts. We're all about respect for creativity and solving related disputes with simplicity. So, if you believe the site used or shared your copyrighted content/work without your permission, here's 4-step lowdown on our DMCA removal process:

Step 1: Check Your Credentials

Before you embark on your copyright adventure, make sure you're the real deal – either the copyright owner or a trusty representative authorized to act on your behalf.

Step 2: Spot the Infringement

Identify the content that's causing you copyright headaches. We need specifics, like a link to the page, so we can hunt it down effectively.

Step 3: Define Your Work

Tell us about your precious copyrighted work (media, section or text) that's been caught in the crossfire. The more details, the better.

Step 4: Stay Connected

Share your contact details – address, phone number, and email – so we can keep in touch.

Now, here's where to send your DMCA notification:

  • Email it to:

Remember, it's always a good idea to chat with your legal wizard before hitting us up with a Notification of Claimed Infringement. We're here to help make things right and keep the creative vibes flowing.

Stay creative🎵🎨💡