The 10 Hottest Artists In Nigeria #TheList2018: #9 – Mr Eazi

The 10 Hottest Artists in Nigeria 2018 list takes into account the hottest names in Nigerian music from the tail-end of 2017 till date. For the rest of today and tomorrow, we’ll systematically reveal all 10 names on #TheList2018.
We also have a cash reward for the FIRST person to list all 10 artists in the correct order on our Twitter and InstaGram accounts (@notjustok) using the hashtags #TheList2018 and #NJOList2018
Be sure to continue refreshing the NJO homepage to see who’s next.
9. Mr Eazi
Mr Eazi is probably the smartest and most business-savvy Nigerian musician around right now.
After somewhat falling out of favor with a section of Nigerians mostly in Nigeria due to his pro-Ghana comments and bold claims, Mr Eazi had to work his way back up from being "cancelled". The question is, was he ever really cancelled? Dude has continued churning out hits home and abroad, racking up mad numbers online (Spotify, YouTube, Apple Music), and is now being projected to become the flagbearer of Afrobeats in the very near future by industry powerhouses like DJ Ebro.
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Mr Eazi's latest project, "Life Is Eazi Vol. 2: Lagos To London", is more than just an album, and his "Empawa Africa" project is one we'll fully appreciate years from now.