2 Premier League players arrested on the allegations of rape and assault


Reportedly, two Premier League players were arrested outside a football stadium in connection with an alleged rape incident.

Police responded to an incident on the ground over the weekend, as reported by The Sun. A 19-year-old player was reportedly spoken to by authorities on suspicion of assault and aiding and abetting a rape. According to the report, his teammate, also 19, was arrested the next day and questioned regarding suspicion of rape.

One of the players spent a night in police custody and was interrogated by detectives. Allegedly, the incident occurred on Friday night, with the purported victim contacting the police and filing a formal complaint shortly afterward.

A police spokesperson told The Sun: 'Officers have arrested two men following a report of a rape. A 19 year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault and aiding and abetting a rape. A second 19-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of rape. Both men have since been released on police bail.'

Speculations as to the specific football club the two players represent have continued to take center stage and has led to one of the Premier League sides, Wolves releasing an official statement on the case.

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