"I'm Sorry... Don't Judge Me By This One Thing" - Simi Pleads To Fans


Talented Nigerian afro-pop singer, Simi has come out to give her heartfelt apology to fans who came out last night, 9th of December for her show "Simi Live in Lagos" and left with mixed feelings; happy for a good show but sad about the inability to keep to time as they expected.

Simi, by 1 pm on Monday afternoon, 10th of December gave her apology with a video on Instagram where she is seen apologizing to fans who came to experience her but while some weren't able to do that till the end, others stayed and complained about it on social media.

Simi apologizing, took responsibility for the lateness and explained why such happened which was a result to late hall arrangement which was due to the fact that an event had happened the previous day at same hall hence there was no way hall would've been organized earlier than her team did. She stated that she needed to apologize because as a perfectionist, she wanted to give fans the best performance and of course, best experience and she is sorry she didn't come through in that regard. She said;

Hey guys, I'm so sorry, I am incredibly sorry. I am a perfectionist. I like things to go perfectly, I obsess about details so I feel like I didn't only disappoint you, I disappointed myself. people came out to get an experience and they were looking forward to it. They came out to sing along and some people couldn't stay for the show and some people couldn't stay till the end and I take responsibility. I mean the hall wasn't ready, there was a show there the night before so they couldn't get the hall ready and the sound ready on time and I kept pushing and trying my best but sometimes your best is not enough. I'm so sorry I apologize, forgive me and I hope there's a way I can find a way to make it up to you. I love you, please forgive me. Don't judge me by this one thing. I apologize, thank you.

Although Adekunle Gold had initially stood up for her, explaining why issues like lateness usually happen in concerts, the singer, respecting her fans and knowing it is important they hear the apology from her, decided to do just that in the sincerest way she could.

Just as she said, let's not judge her with this one act of lateness and coming out to apologize for shows that contrary to what a lot of people posted on social about artiste not rating fans, Simi is showing you that she does rate you, respect your time and she's sorry circumstances made it feel like she took advantage of your love for her.  Thanks for the apology Simi, we hope circumstances don't make this repeat itself because when fans expect you to be different in a good way, it means they rate just as you rate them.
