UEFA Meet to Discuss FIFA's Proposal to Host the World Cup Bi-Annually


The body governing football in Europe, UEFA has called on FIFA to stop using promotional campaign to get support from football nations.

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The executive members of UEFA released a statement on its website, after a meeting on Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021. According to the statement, it warned FIFA to stop looking for pity votes from nations to help them see the proposal come to reality.

FIFA had earlier in the week said it will host a virtual summit with all its national associations, including those in Europe, on September 30th, 2021.

UEFA started four real dangers that could occur if the proposal by FIFA to host the World Cup is hosted every two years.

(1) The dilution of the value of the No.1 world football event, whose quadrennial occurrence gives it a mystique that generations of fans have grown up with.

(2) The erosion of sporting opportunities the weaker national teams by replacing regular matches with final tournaments.

(3) The risk to sustainability for players, forced to engage in summer high-intensity competitions every year instead of longer recuperation breaks in alternate years.

(4) The risk of the future of women's tournaments, deprived of exclusive slots and overshadowed by the proximity of top men's events.

These are just some of the serious concerns that the FIFA proposal provokes at first glance and they cannot be dispelled simply with unsubstantiated promotional slogans on the supposed benefits of a thicker calendar for final tournaments.

UEFA president had earlier expressed his concerns about hosting the World Cup every two years and has threatened that the European countries could boycott the competition.
