Erik Ten Hag gives an update on Luke Shaw's injury


Manchester United head coach Erik Ten Hag has given the latest update on Luke SHaw's injury in the team's fixture against Luton Town in the premier league.

Erik Ten Hag in a post-match press conference session spoke about how the defender picked up what he described as not just a knock in their Premier League tie against Luton Town. He however confirmed that there are no specifics or details at the moment and tests still need to be done to assess the severity of the injury.

He said, “It’s not a knock. I can’t tell. We have to wait minimum until tomorrow to see what’s going on. It’s clear, when you come off it doesn’t look great.”

He went on to speak on how well his side have been playing so far in the league and if Manchester United can still challenge for the premier league title this season after moving up the log to 6th on the table.

He stated, “Yeah, we are back in the race. Still, we have to catch up. We are happy with scoring goals now. Also today we missed some great opportunities and I think the frontline can be more clinical. They have the abilities, but what is positive is the way we created the chances.

“Every game is a final and it's a long road and it's not be decided in February. So in this moment of the year, make sure that in April, you are in a position you can win. And so still we have to catch up, but we are back in the race.”

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