DJ Cuppy reveals challenges of running her foundation


Nigerian disc jockey and billionaire heiress, DJ Cuppy, has discussed her philanthropic efforts through her foundation.

In a recent interview with media outlet Business Day on Saturday, May 18, 2024, Cuppy, who recently revealed DJing as her favorite pursuit, acknowledged the challenges of running a foundation, emphasizing the importance of impact over numbers.

During the conversation, DJ Cuppy candidly admitted to past mistakes, recalling an instance where she initially focused on numerical metrics rather than the actual impact on lives. She recounted a humbling experience of delivering books to children, only to discover they were in dire need of life support upon arrival. This realization shifted her perspective towards prioritizing tangible impact over material donations.

Notably, DJ Cuppy shared that her foundation currently serves a remarkable 70,000 individuals, showcasing her commitment to making a meaningful difference in people's lives.
