Too Much Lyrics by Amaeya


Amaeya Lyrics

Find the official lyrics to Too Much by Amaeya below. Sing along and immerse yourself in the song.

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Amaeya - Too Much Lyrics

Oh I think I've had enough
Don't wanna be fighting so much
Last night was all kinds of crazy
You scared the shit outta crazy

Maybe I'm talking too much
Maybe I love you too much
Or I'll just walk out the door
You nor kuku send me before
Don't think you heard me

Screaming at the top of my freaking voice
I need you here beside me
Baby can you hold me down
Is it too much to ask
I want what I deserve

Abi I no dey try
I want this thing to last
Is it too much to ask
Oga say something don't be standing right there
Looking at me
She mo wa bi wa wo eh
Tell me how we even got here (tell me how)

I think I'm drowning
Drowning in my tears
Why can't you see me
Somebody save me
Don't think you heard me
Screaming at the top of my freaking voice
I need you here beside me
Baby can you hold me down

Is it too much to ask
I want what I deserve
Abi I no dey try
I want this thing to last
Is it too much to ask

Contributors of 'Too Much' Lyrics

Oluwafemi AdebanjoTobiloba Akinsete.

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