Salt Lyrics by Dai Verse


Dai Verse Lyrics

Salt is the latest single from Dai Verse, and we've provided the song's lyrics below, check it out and sing along to the compelling lyrics.

Cover art for Salt by Dai Verse
Salt Cover Art

Dai Verse - Salt Lyrics

Hello Iheanechukwu
The word "Dai Verse"
Your names will open doors for you, don't bother
Your name is Iheanechukwu, nothing is impossible with God
Your name is Chinemerem
God will do it for you
Dai Verse oh-yeah

Oh my Heavenly Father
Make I no turn to salt if I turn my back on my goals oh
'Cause my past is making me sober
So, even if its second handed love, I go take oh
Oh my Heavenly Father
Make I no turn to salt if I turn my back on my goals oh, ha
'Cause as I am fighting for my survival
Wherever there is peace and harmony, I dey go oh

'Cause whatever you say, goes
Whatever you will, I say so, but
Let me be sincere with you, this movie no dey sweet oh
But, I'm trusting on your will oh
I follow for your pace oh, 'cause
Whoever that is running without you, na disgrace oh

Let me tell you the story of a boy
That, he hustle and bustle from the jump
Wey the hustle fit make you to lose your senses, but I no return the work
What shall we do to life if e no go as we plan?
So, I dey take my L with stride
'Cause na God wey set the plan
That's why I sing sayy

Oh my Heavenly Father
Make I no turn to salt if I turn my back on my goals oh
'Cause my past is making me sober
So, even if its second handed love, I go take oh
Oh my Heavenly Father
Make I no turn to salt if I turn my back on my goals oh, ha
'Cause as I am fighting for my survival
Wherever there is peace and harmony, I dey go oh

'Cause whatever you say, goes
Whatever you will, I say so, but
Let me be sincere with you, this movie no dey sweet oh
But, I'm trusting on your will oh
I follow for your pace oh, 'cause
Whoever that is running without you, na disgrace oh

Whatever you say, goes
Whatever you say, goes
Whatever you say, goes
Iyegadinma, the world will hear your voice
Uwa gaanu olu'n na iheoma
O Nnadim, a worrila owe'n
Ihe nile dị mma, ihe nile ga adị mma
Nna, don't bother yourself, you hear?
Your names will open doors for you, in Jesus name

Contributors of 'Salt' Lyrics

Nikki LaoyeOluwafemi AdebanjoTobiloba Akinsete.

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