Former heavyweight boxer George Foreman passes away


One of the greatest boxers to ever grace the boxing ring, and two-time heavyweight Champion, George Foreman has passed away at the age of 76.

The sad news of the death of George Foreman was confirmed by the family of the boxer on social media. The multimillion-dollar businessman, died on Friday, March 21, 2025 in his home in Houston, Texas,

How did George Foreman die?

The family of Foreman did not state the reason for the boxer's death but according to reports, he died while in his sleep.

He will forever be remembered for the historic Rumble in the Jungle bout with Muhammad Ali in 1974 in Zaire, a fight Foreman via knockout in the eighth round.

Foreman went on to write his name in the history books to win two heavyweight titles after he lost to Ali at age 25. He technically knocked Joe Frazier to win his first title and a fifth-round knockout of Ron Lyle to claim his second.

He went on to win 24 straight matches, gradually slimming along the way, before losing to Evander Holyfield in a 12-round decision in 1991. Three years later, he knocked out undefeated southpaw Moorer to become the oldest ever heavyweight champion at age 45.

Foreman’s last fight was in 1997, ending his career with a professional record of 76 wins and five losses. He won the Olympic gold in 1968, having claimed the world heavyweight title twice, 21 years apart, the second making him the oldest champion in history aged 45.

Watch Foreman vs Mohammed Ali

Muhammad Ali vs George Foreman "Legendary Night" Highlights HD  ElTerribleProduction

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