T-Money - Warning Shots (Kelly Ugly)


The beef has just begun!

Within 48hrs of releasing Kelly Hansome's "Catch Me If You Can", we received a new diss track from US-based rapper, T-Money. On this new joint, he decided to take a very swift swipe at Kelly Hansome for calling out Terry G, Mo'Hits, M.I, 2Shotz and Kenny Ogungbe on his 2 diss joints.

In my opinion, I think he went real hard on this one (...and it's not 'cause he shouted me out. 🙂 ). What do y'all think?


Talking Point:

With Double K and T-Money taking "response shots" at Kelly Hansome on behalf of the Industry Heavyweights, can we say the Naija music industry is more united than we think? To that effect, are we about to witness a major breakout of diss tracks aimed at Mr. Maga? And if so, could this be the "shot in the arm" the industry needs to become more exciting? You tell me...

[audio:http://www.notjustok.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/T-Money-Warning-shots-Kelly-Ugly-NJO.mp3|titles=T Money - Warning shots (Kelly Ugly) NJO]
